Data Structure Lets Get Started -Lesson 1
what is data structure is a different of saving data on your computer
for example we have list and dictionary ds so we
what is algorithms = is operation and set of instruction we did on those data structure
in list searching is really easy but adding is quite complex because you already had fixed size
Linked list
searching is quite difficult because next elements attached to previous element by string and if we want find exact position we need to traverse the entire list
but adding new elements is quite easy we just need to add boxes and attached to the last box
what is array
array is collection of continuous and same kind of elements
every sizeable and practical integer can be represent in 32 bits or 4 Bytes
why adding new elements in already created array is hack of a work because when we create an array and add elements computer did that same and after that added new things but for array we need continuous memory and hence we created new array with bigger in size and copy the rest and new elements over their