solidity lesson 2
well in last lesson we see how we start with solidity and learn some basic concept about it. Here we learn about how we can call the one contract form other
1 import "your contract name" // ex import "./SimpleStorage.sol"2 contract SimpleSmartContractFactory{3 SimpleStorage[] public simpleStorageArray;
4 fucntion createSimpleStorageContract() public{5 SimpleStorage simepleStorage = new SimpleStorage();
6 simpleStorageArray.push(simpleStorage);
lets explain what is above code does
line 2 first we import our other contract “similar imports like in JS”
line 3 — in last lesson we create array of Person type now similarly we create array of SimpleStorage it means we can push SimpleStorage type data into this
line 4/5 create a public functions which helps to insert data into block and push it into our array
line 5 is how we define variable of type contract “pretty similar to JS”
How to use other contract function into other contract
for this we need 2 things one it’s address and other is “ABI ”
more about ABI later
how to address
SimpleStorag ss = SimpleStorage(address(simpleStorageArray[index]))
now with this ss variable you can access any of its functions.
how to do Inheritance with soliditycontract B is A{}
yes is that simple